In the Sengoku period, a rounin called Nanashi (meaning nameless) saves a young boy Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru at an abandoned temple. Kotarou has no family, is pursued by a mysterious militia organization from China and hires Nanashi as his bodyguard. Among the pursuers is a man called Rarou, a very skilled warrior with blond hair and blue eyes. He obeys an old man called Byakuran and is a
El samurái sin nombre (en japonés: ストレンヂア 無皇刃譚, en inglés: Sword of the Stranger) es una película animada japonesa de 2007 dirigida por Masahiro Sword of the Stranger is a 2007 Japanese anime film directed by Masahiro Andō and produced (2016); Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond (2017); Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan (2018); Carole & Tuesday (2019). OVAs/ONAs. 17 Kwi 2019 Stranger: Mukou Hadan (Napisy PL) 1080p Stranger: Mukou Hadan film. 11 Fev 2017 Sword of the Stranger - Pilot (Legendado). Edenilson Pontes. Seguir. há 3 anos Stranger: Mukou Hadan (Sword Of A Stranger ligero) La historia está ambientada en el periodo Sengoku. Un Rounin llamado Nanashi (que significa “sin
24/03/39 · SWORD OF THE STRANGER. Trama: Nel Giappone feudale un avido signore locale ospita presso una delle sue fortezze alcuni inviati dell'imperatore Ming. Gli scopi degli ospiti stranieri sono ignoti, anche se si adoperano nella costruzione di uno strano marchingegno. Funimation Licenses Sword of the Stranger Anime Film, Omamori Himari & Good Luck! Ninomiya-kun TV Anime (Aug 12, 2016) Bump of Chicken to Perform Last Live-Action Parasyte Film's Ending Song (Mar Авторизация. На данной странице вы сможете авторизоваться на нашем сайте. * Логин (никнейм) Чувствителен к регистру 2092 sinopse A história centra-se no período Sengoku. Nanashi sem-nome é um mestre samurai que salva a vida de um pequeno rapaz, Kotarou, e o seu cão, … No período Sengoku, um rounin chamado Nanashi (que significa sem nome) salva um menino Kotarou e seu cão Tobimaru em um templo abandonado. Kotarou não tem família, é perseguido por uma misteriosa organização de milícias da China e contrata Nanashi como seu guarda-costas. Entre os perseguidores está um homem chamado Rarou, um guerreiro muito habilidoso com cabelos loiros e …
SomeMoeGaming's anime achievements. Stranger: Mukou Hadan. Action? We like action. Yes. The movie takes place in the Sengoku period of Japan and follows the story of a ronin and a young orphan. Toaru Hikuushi e no Tsuioku. This movie follows the story of a Pilot who must traverse an ocean alone, flying into enemy territory to drop off a damsel in distress! 02/04/39 · Sword of the Stranger (Stranger: Mukou Hadan) is a 2007 original anime movie from studio Bones, director Masahiro Ando, writer Fumihiko Takayama, and published by Bandai Visual. The film was released with great reception among fans throughout the … 12/08/34 · Sword of the Stranger (Stranger: Mukou Hadan) is a 2007 original anime movie from studio Bones, director Masahiro Ando, writer Fumihiko Takayama, and published by Bandai Visual. The film was released with great reception among fans throughout the … "Sword of the Stranger": segnatevi questo titolo, e fatelo adesso! Che siate amanti o meno dell'età feudataria giapponese, che siate interessati o meno ai samurai, che siate fan o meno degli anime storici o di combattimento, dovete assolutamente vedere questo film almeno una volta nella vostra vita. Sword of the Stranger Pilot, Stranger Mukou Hadan Pilot ストレンヂア -無皇刃譚- In the Sengoku period, a rounin called Nanashi (meaning nameless) saves a young boy Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru at an abandoned temple. Kotarou has no family, is pursued by a mysterious militia organization from China, and hires Nanashi as his bodyguard.
12/08/34 · Sword of the Stranger (Stranger: Mukou Hadan) is a 2007 original anime movie from studio Bones, director Masahiro Ando, writer Fumihiko Takayama, and published by Bandai Visual. The film was released with great reception among fans throughout the …
Sword of the Stranger is a 2007 Japanese anime film directed by Masahiro Andō and produced (2016); Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond (2017); Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan (2018); Carole & Tuesday (2019). OVAs/ONAs. 17 Kwi 2019 Stranger: Mukou Hadan (Napisy PL) 1080p Stranger: Mukou Hadan film. 11 Fev 2017 Sword of the Stranger - Pilot (Legendado). Edenilson Pontes. Seguir. há 3 anos Stranger: Mukou Hadan (Sword Of A Stranger ligero) La historia está ambientada en el periodo Sengoku. Un Rounin llamado Nanashi (que significa “sin 22 Sep 2008 Año: 2007. Título original: Stranger: Mukoh Hadan. Sinopsis: Durante el periodo de guerra entre estados o Sengoku, un ronin llamado Nanashi Feng Wu and Luo Lang get caught in the rain while searching for the sacrifice. They take shelter in a road-side shrine to wait out the storm. Chills, comfort, and leseanthomas: “ Sword of The Stranger sketches by Saito Tsunenori and superbly animated by one of my animation idols Yutaka Nakamura. ” Still amazing.
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